Your Online Homeopathic Health Clinic

Offering same-day homeopathic consultations and treatments

Seeking the right homeopathic remedy?

Whether you're looking to address common health issues or unsure of where to begin, we've got your back.

Online Appointments

Monday-Friday 10am-4pm MST Saturdays by appointment only

Book 20 minutes if you are dealing with something that has suddenly come up.

Book 60 minutes if you are dealing with something that is reoccurring or is a long term issue (2 weeks or more).

Meet our Certified Classical Homeopaths

  • Kylie Ward

    Owner: Classical Homeopath; DCH, CCH, HDT, BFA

  • Michelle MacKenzie

    Classical Homeopath; DCH, HDT, BA ARCH

  • Richa Bhatia

    Classical Homeopath; DCH, CCH

  • Deanndra Dawn

    Classical Homeopath; DCH, CCH

Symptoms are the outward reflection of the inner disease. They discern what remedy is required and are the key to returning to a healthy state.

Learn more about how homeopathy can help you and your family.