About Remedy & Homeopathy

I'm Kylie Ward, a certified homeopathic practitioner passionate about homeopathy since 2010. My mission with Remedy is to offer accessible, professional, online homeopathic care tailored to your unique needs.

At Remedy, we recognize that no two cases are alike — an earache in one patient may require a different homeopathic remedy than in another. This individualized approach extends to all conditions, including delayed development, anxiety, skin issues, and digestive problems. Whether it's for you or your child, we ensure that every treatment plan is customized to match the complete symptom profile presented.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Homeopathy is based on the principle that substances causing symptoms in a healthy person can, in small doses, treat similar symptoms in someone who is sick, embodying the "like cures like" concept. This approach involves matching remedies closely with the patient's specific symptoms, seeing these symptoms as a reflection of the disease itself. The remedies are selected to resonate with the disease's energy pattern. When the remedy's energy aligns with that of the disease, they neutralize each other, much like intersecting waves in the ocean. This interaction creates a space within the body's system, paving the way for healing.

  • Homeopathic remedies are created from the essence of natural elements, transformed through a meticulous process of dilution and vigorous shaking, known as succussion. This method progressively intensifies the remedy's potency beyond its original molecular composition.

    The efficacy and understanding of these remedies are rigorously tested through homeopathic provings, employing the double-blind placebo method alongside clinical trials by homeopaths worldwide. This extensive research is peer-reviewed and compiled into the homeopathic materia medica, a comprehensive library of homeopathic knowledge.

    At its core, homeopathy is a form of energy medicine, recognizing that healing occurs in an environment where the body has the capacity to mend. Illness, in this perspective, is seen as an energetic block preventing the body's natural reparative processes. Homeopathic remedies aim to dissolve these blockages, restoring balance and enabling the body to rejuvenate itself, allowing you to regain your well-being.

  • Homeopathic treatment follows two primary pathways:

    Acute Symptom Treatment: This is a 20-minute session focusing on recent symptoms (less than two weeks old) that are severe and painful. Conditions like earaches, diarrhea, fevers, injuries, and colds are addressed here.

    Chronic Symptom Treatment: A 60-minute session for ongoing or recurrent symptoms present for over two weeks. Conditions such as eczema, constipation, and anxiety fall under this category.

    To fully grasp your symptom profile, we consider three critical dimensions:

    Physical: We evaluate your body's systems including nervous, circulatory, endocrine, and others, looking at your physical anatomy and functions.

    Emotional: We explore a broad spectrum of emotional states, from love and joy to anxiety and fear, understanding how these affect you.

    Mental: We assess your cognitive processes, including how you think, problem-solve, and interact with your surroundings.

    Following your consultation, a tailor-made remedy plan will be proposed, specific to your unique case. The outcome and pace of recovery can vary: acute conditions often resolve swiftly, while chronic conditions necessitate longer-term commitment and patience, potentially taking up to 8 weeks to observe noticeable improvement. Regular follow-ups are advisable to monitor progress and adjustments to the treatment plan may be made based on any changes or shifts you experience.

If you want to know if homeopathy can help, the answer is yes.

Still have questions prior to booking?

Please send us an email.